**IMPORTANT** During times of heavy snowfall and potential snow drifts, it is critical to keep all outdoor vents clear of snow. Blocking outdoor venting can cause dangerous, even deadly levels of Carbon Monoxide to build up in your home.
We repair most brands of residential and light commercial heating equipment. Call 413-586-7925 to schedule service to your heating system. One of our friendly, professional, trained technicians will come to your home and diagnose your concerns.
Things to consider:
Did you have an annual maintenance?
Have you had any repair work performed recently that may have effected the systems operation? Not just HVAC work but electrical, plumbing, or other?
Did your heating system operate normally at the end of last season?
Is your thermostat set to HEAT, rather than cool or off?
Remember....the least expensive emergency repair is the one that's never needed! Consider enrolling in our P.A.C.T. Maintenance Agreement. Pioneer's Annual Cleaning & Tune-up (P.A.C.T) can keep your system running efficiently and alert you to future problems, saving you valuable time, discomfort and MONEY!
Pioneer Heating & Cooling, Inc.
52 Maple Street Suite 103
Florence, MA 01062
(P) 413-586-7925
(F) 413-320-4691
Contact Us